Privacy Policy
Any information submitted to our website or gathered by a cookie will be used strictly by us for better customer service and promotional reasons. We do not sell, transfer, rent or trade customers' information to any third party.

Updating your information

Registering at allows you to take advantage of the unique services that we offer, including email newsletter with exclusive offers, the ability to keep an address book for faster check-out, to keep track of your “wish list" as well as order history. When you register at our site, you will be asked to submit certain personal information, such as name and contact information. This is because your name, address and telephone number will be needed to process and ship your orders. As a result, please kindly provide valid information as well as update them should there be any errors/changes. Under no circumstances will we disclose or share your information with any unauthorized third party.

Email Subscription

When you register at, you will receive special offers and other newsletters from us via email. If you would like to discontinue this service, simply click the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of an email from us and follow the unsubscribing instructions. You may also login to your account and unsubscribe there. Please note that after you make a purchase with us, we may still need to contact you via email for order confirmation or any follow-ups with regards to your order. Therefore, if you do not wish to receive newsletters, make sure that you unsubscribe, instead of marking our emails as Spam.